Monday, November 17, 2014

If I were Chilean


                                    When I look at the map of South American West coast, I have filling that one giant have chosen a narrow sliver of land, clinging to the edge of the continent and gave it name Chile. It is the longest – 2,880 mi and the narrowest country, with an average width of just 164.6 mi. The big mountain chain Andes separates the country on east from Argentina and Bolivia. The west coast has splendid islands and archipelagos, and many beautiful remote beaches.
        This land so beautiful and attractive that for some centuries many Spaniards, Italians, Greeks, Englishman, Middle Eastern and others found their luck herewith the indigenous minority, the population hit 15 millions.
The Scottish mariner Alexander Selkirk, who marooned on Mas de Tierra in 1704, was in the group of emigrants, but he did not reach the mainland of ChileWe all know that his live has expired Daniel Defoe to write the story for Robinson Crusoe. The island where he landed is known as the legendary Robinson Crusoe Island.
The climate varies, very much, so everybody can chose where to live. Chile has everything, sunny north for those that like the warm, beaches, tropical fruits and vineyards. For cold lovers is the far South.  They can also catch big crabs from the labyrinth of fiords. 
                Those, who love adventures can visit Antarctica, or go to the bottom end of South American continent and see Chilean Tierra del Fuego. It was Magellan, the first European, who set foot on todays Chile and gave this name after sighting many fires lit by the native Yamane tribe. Tierra del Fuego is separated from Patagonia by Magellan Strait.

Cape Horn
                                           Antarctic Base
                For those who love the beauty of moon like landscape is the desert Atacama. That is the 600 mi stretch of parched rugged lend that separates Chile from Peru.

Magellan & Chilean Antarctica Region

               However, the Nature creates beauty with one hand and horror with the other. The earthquakes happen often in Chile. One of the biggest earthquakes in human history hit this land on 1960. What a horror - 9.5 by Richter. On 27 of February 2010, 8.8 MW earthquake, the fifth largest ever recorded at the time struck Chile again.
              These disasters did not discourage the emigrants. They rebuild their splendid cities, towns and villages and made them prettier and more resistant to the ear quakes.
              Chile is Paradise for tourists. Everything is so beautiful and calm. Chileans are satisfied of the live here. Maybe that is why all the population is polite, respectful and discreet. Can you believe in it?
             Chile is one of South America's most stable and prosperous nations. In 2006, Chile became the country with the highest nominal GDP per ca pita in Latin America. . The tourism grew by 13.6 percent, generating more than 4.5 billion dollars.
              Of course this Paradise was not done for us, but we took our chance. We came in Santiago on February, the same month when Pedro de Valdivia founded this city, but on 1541 year.
              I am sure, you do not believe, that Chile is rich country only because of its natural beauties. The economy of the country began to boom due to discovery of silver ore in Chanarcillo and the growing trade of the port of Valparaiso, after Magellan discovered the southern passage, now named after him.
For me Santiago is marvelous city, located between the Cordillera Occidental, that protects it from the ocean storms and the Andes that stop the dry hot continental winds in the summer.         .     
 Right on, the middle of the city are the hills Cerro Santa Lucia and Cerro San Cristobal. They have been like deserts, when Spaniards came here, but now big 100 years old threes cover everything and make so agreeable shadows.  The view from the top of the hills is amazi 
 Looks like you look at a 3D map of the city.  The river Mapocho and the park along the water divide the city. Andes surround the large valley. Even in the summer white snow hats cover the high mounts.
At night, we are lucky to see from our windows the lights of entire downtown and the hills. It is a stunning view.
               No wander why Chileans call their country País de poetas - country of poets.  Gabriela Mistral was the first Latin American to receive a Nobel Prize for Literature (1945) and most famous poet, Pablo Neruda who also received the Nobel Prize for Literature (1971).
              The sightseeing bus helped us to get a general idea of the city and then we went again over all places that we liked. Everything was around our hotel and we did not need any transport 
to go to the places of our interest.

            Many streets of Santiago, reminded us of Madrid from 18th – 19th centuries. Of course, here are many rich old buildings, but from all of them I have chosen Bolsa de Commercio, Clube de La Union, Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino, Museo Historiko Nacional, Templo de San Agustin. 


       Plaza de Armas is very close to our hotel, so we start our trips from there each morning. It is on the middle of the city and on the middle of the country.


 Actually, the distances to the rest of Chile are measured from there (allegorically).
Pedro de Valdivia laid out this center of social, commercial and intellectual life of Santiago 4 centuries ago. The square is full of, artists, singers, stands with crafts and tourists from early morning to late at the evening. 
The Plaza de Armas is surrounded by many museums. Here is Museo Historico National, Museo National de Belles Arts, Museo Charlene de Arte Precolombino and 2-3 more. Im sorry, we did not have time to see everything. This never happens in our short visits.  

However, we enjoyed some very pleasant days in Santiago, before we went to Valparaiso. 
 We knew that the real beauty of Chile is not the capital Santiago.  It is better to see the land of lakes and volcanoes, Patagonia, Terra del Fuego and some islands, butYou do, what you can.
        Every time when I visit some country, I try to imagine what if I live here, what if I was born there?
Flying back home I tough what it would be, if I were a Chilean?


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