Thursday, May 11, 2017

Glory of Egyptian Pharaohs



Finally, after year my dream vent true. Last month we were lucky to spend 7 days in Egypt. We were in the amazing world of closes, in the world of ever lasted beauty and majesty. That was experience for all live. I can’t stop thinking of what I have seen. Was it possible to build all these pyramids, temples and gigantic statues only for glory of gods and pharaohs? Yes, it was time of states with week population and powerful and selfish rulers.
Wheat, what happens now in our Country? Does our President think that he is over the lows of United States? Are we close to the time, when he is going to build pyramids for his  glory?
We have large deserts in New Mexico and Arizona. Is Trump going to build soon his pyramids there, instead of towers? Please don’t tell him, it will cost us much more money than the wall on our southern border.

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